
No fucking Doubt.

This is Jess, sad at kinkos. Because stupid me, forgot the printed tickets at home... so we had to go to Fedex to get em printed. And I was getting pissed cuz the programs weren't working, blahblahblah.

Then these two guys over here... dis guy and dis old white lady. OMG took forevers and they didn't even know what the fuck they were doing! and those were the only two computers that had the latest adobe reader. WTF fedex?!?! Why can't u just update all your fucking computers. WHAT KIND OF BUSINESS ARE YOU RUNNING!!!!!!!!

Anyways, after get all antsy pantsy about how long these two were taking, and how Fedex is totally lame... we went across the street to "NETSTOP"...
Oh, and I was taking this picture (above) this black truck of micronesians were like hollering at Jessyka in like a language that sounded like monkeys. and I screamed "I'm NOT TAKING A PICTURE OF YOU, I DONT EVEN KNOWWWW YOU!"
^ me printing at net stop... FINALLY.
Me AND Jess at the concert

[photo cred : jessyka]

Overall, No Doubt was raddddd! She's like the sexiest beastly woman alive. She is my idol. Look at that body! My effin goshhhhhhhhhh. I want thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! Maybe not that much abs, but...... everything else is fucking delicious!!! They played a great line-up of songs. I can't believe they lowered tickets to $20 though. I'm supah pissed about that. like, fuck you. hahah.