
Maui Summer Trip - Worth It.

Oh, my Maui trip was raaaad.

It was just awesome having no plans at all, and just doing what I wanted to do whenever I wanted. I can't do that normally at home, because I don't live by myself, and I have work & school, you know ... that whole thing. But it was a good 3 nights of just freedom.

The trip consisted of me and 4 other good friends of mine: Shanel, Jess, Emily, and Kale. Yes, one man and 4 girls. We needed a man on this trip for security. Hehe. We went to the aquarium the first day. And everyday after that was a failed attempt to get up at 4am to drive to Seven Pools. Hahah... :( We went beach and to bays every day. I totally look Cambodian now, South east asian. I mean, I am south east asian, but I totally look like it now! >__<. I went to a nude beach. Heheehe! It was an experience. Shanel and I decided that we should start a nude beach on Oahu, we need to find a secret spot first. Hahaha. Awh, but Jess got stung by a Portuguese man of war in the most awful awkward place. Poor thing. :(. I felt so bad. I spent most of the night casually drinking on the balcony of our hotel room after having our nightlife outing. Emily (the baby) always slept the earliest. Kale. . . well I don't think he had a good sleep on any of the nights... poor thing. Shanel... idk. I tried to seduce her on our last night in Maui. Pretty funny. Jess... idk I hope Jess had fun, some bad things happened, but I hope this trip wasn't a waste for her. Maui does not have any Karaoke place. Isn't that crazy? I don't think I can live at a place where there's no karaoke.... foreals.